Hildegard Von Bingen
Hildegard Von Bingen was a 12th century Magistra who received visions from the unseen world all of her life which she contextualized through the
lens of medieval Christendom.
She called this visionary state “the shadow of the living light”. where she believed that she stood in the presence of God. These visions were transmuted into prophetic writing, profoundly beautiful and ethereal ancient plainsong, and incredible medieval art.
Hildegard is a catholic saint, but had circumstances been the slightest bit different she could have easily been burnt at the stake.
She was an extraordinary human whose work has been a light in the lives of many across the centuries.
People engage in the psychedelic state to have visionary experiences we do not possess the language to quantify. Similarly, when writing of Hildegard and the impact of her existence on our own journeys we find ourselves at a loss for words. We are thankful that Doug Batchelor at “What Magic Is This?” has done this work for us in the below video where he speaks eloquently and from the heart of Hildegard and her work.