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Q: What’s your deal?


A: We facilitate visionary psychedelic experiences next to the facility referred to in a 2017 New York Times article as “Mr. Bigelow’s ranch in Utah”.


Q: So it’s like going on an Ayahuasca retreat in the Amazon rainforest (and/or Brooklyn)?


A: Yeah, pretty similar!


Q: But drugs are illegal in Utah, right?


A: They totally are! That’s why we’ve made significant investments in psychedelic technology. The Ajna Light was developed in 2014 to help people explore their intimate connection with the wisdom of the universe.


Q: What’s this Ajna Light thing all about?


A: Short answer, it’s an electronic device that triggers the psychedelic closed-eye visionary experience while not requiring the ingestion of any substances, legal or illegal.


Q: Cool, what’s the long answer?


A: The pineal gland is a vestigial third eye which is located at the exact center of the brain. It has all the characteristics of the two optical eyes we use for everyday vision. The energetic information from the entire body travels up to the pineal gland. The pineal gland generates an endogenous psychotropic chemical called DMT (dimethyl tryptamine). DMT is naturally generated twice in the lifetime, at birth and again at death. It is responsible for allowing these potentially traumatic emotional life transition processes to happen gracefully. After a near death experience, one's full life flashes by, and a tunnel of light appears. Both of these effects are due to the psychedelic effects of DMT. Shamans use Ayahuasca to connect deeply to nature, to give them the wisdom of our total interconnection with all of life. DMT brings teaching as part of a spiritual journey. However, as a psychotropic drug it is illegal in many countries, has potential dangers, and is important to use for healing and spiritual growth as opposed to entertainment or escape from reality. Each person has a different sensitivity, so they may be overdosed or under-dosed. It can also take some hours for the effect to wear off, during which the user may be dizzy and need to vomit. The Ajna Light generates a similar effect without the use of any illicit substances or violating any laws. The device uses the latest high power LEDs to allow the psychedelic closed-eye visual state to be induced easily and rapidly, and as soon as the Ajna Light stops playing the light pattern sequence, the receiver can quickly come back to the normal alpha or beta brainwave condition without the side-effects of controlled substances like Ayahuasca or LSD. The Ajna Light will take the user on a shamanic trance journey to connect to the root of their being, stimulating the pineal gland to open up psychic vision in a harmonious natural and powerful way, in balance with their own physiology.


Q: Wow, you’re blowing my mind, bro! So are you like a shaman?


A: No, we don’t consider ourselves to be any type of guru, shaman or figures of authority. We have no specific teachings or doctrine to impart. We consider ourselves to simply be facilitators for others to have meaningful and transformative experiences in a safe and supportive environment. Really, we’re just following our internal compasses and engaging in ancient practices while utilizing modern tools.


Q: It kind of sounds like you’re a health club, but the muscle you’re pumping is TOTALLY YOUR SOUL.


A: You’re getting it! We’re a group of people who wanted to be in this space and utilize tools to commune with the land and explore our personal paths. We wanted to do this by the book, which is why we purchased land in Fort Duchesne as well as rare and expensive tools instead of breaking laws and being nuisances to the really good people who are now our neighbors.


We understand that others seek these experiences and we totally get it. It’s actually really funny when a car pulls up to our fence and we come over and say hello. They usually pretend they’ve stopped for some innocuous reason and then depart awkwardly, and we’re all like “it’s cool, we get it. You’re our people!”.


If we can share our resources with other like-minded folks out there who want to come to this sacred place with good intention to better themselves and support the sacred land we’re all about it.


Like a gym, we offer the room and the tools. You have to do the work.


Q: This sounds really interesting, but I’m skeptical about getting high with flashing light. I can bring my DMT/LSD/Psilocybin/cannabis/etc and just do that there, right?


A: Absolutely not! While some of us as individuals have experience utilizing plant medicines to attain greater spiritual clarity and we appreciate the value and momentum of what is being referred to as the “psychedelic renaissance” presently occurring we did not invest significantly in extremely rare legal psychedelic technology to encourage illegal activity in the great state of Utah. We can certainly recommend reputable facilities in Denver, it’s only a short 6 hour drive, but under no circumstances will we ever condone guests of this sacred space to break any local laws or ordinances or otherwise lower the quality of life in our community.


We do have guests who do not feel called to utilize the AJNA Light during their visit which is completely fine. No one should pursue a session if it does not resonate with them.


Q:What if I don't believe in aliens?


A: As long as anyone's beliefs are not actively hurting or manipulating others, we believe all are entitled to their beliefs and that these beliefs are valid and real for the individual, regardless of what they do or do not "believe in". Having said that, we don't necessarily believe in aliens either! While the extraterrestrial hypothesis is certainly compelling, Umbra Viventis Lucis does not characterize the non-human intelligence (NHI) that resides in the Uintah Basin through any specific lens. The numerous realms of what is often broadly quantified as "paranormal" (a word we don't believe in) get extremely lost in semantic pedantry. Many experiences described as religious, spiritual, or divine in nature can easily check the boxes of a UFO encounter, and vice versa. Many aspects of world folklore are not only strangely congruent with each other, but also with phenomena experiencers engage with. This has led to an often heard critique of NHI not being trustworthy because they lie to you about their nature. What if they do their best to convey their nature through concepts we can comprehend? What if different individual or groups of NHI's call themselves different things (like, y'know, people) and where one person is led to believe they are interacting with an "angel" another is communicating with "Fae"? How does the nurture of the human experiencer shape the lens they interpret through? And also, why is Mothman an individual where Bigfoot is a species? Who makes the rules here? Spoiler alert, probably not Mothman or bigfeet. 


You can believe in all or none of these concepts and still gain much from Umbra Viventis Lucis. Outside of our unique and sacred location, the powerful tools we utilize are rarely found anywhere, let alone in this remote region. These tools were by no means designed for employment in the capacity we utilize them, we're really doing something unique. On their own, they are capable of catalyzing very powerful experiences, insight, and growth. It's kind of special to find a practitioner of any of our multiple modalities, and nearly unheard of to find one using them in conjunction with one another (and in no cases in places like ours). Remember, although our work elicits a very real response from the energy of the area, they don't dance for us (we actually dance for them, at strange hours around a fire). We can't guarantee that they will choose to interface with you, but we can guarantee that you will have a singular experience upon visiting Umbra Viventis Lucis.


Q: It sounds like you take this stuff pretty seriously. Does that mean you aren't interested in my production company's paranormal "reality" show pitch?


A: Only if you can get Nathan Fielder. 




Still confused? Join the club!


It was actually pretty challenging explaining who we are and what we’re up to here because it often feels like everything is supposed to fit into an easy-to-contextualize box. We aren’t that. What we’re doing hasn’t been done before. There is no road map for The Great Work with The Mysteries of this sacred land.



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